Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Foodiness

Archive for the tag “Duck confit”

What have I gotten myself into?

So, between the time I announced my 31-recipe challenge and now, I’ve started actually reading the recipes in full (probably something I should have done BEFORE taking this on), and all I can think right now is, “What have I gotten myself into?

You see, just looking over the list and the pretty, seductive, inviting pictures, I was lulled into a false sense of security–if they can make that, I can make that. What I don’t take into account is “they” probably have a full size kitchen stocked with all the right tools, a huge island, double ovens, six burners and some blue birds to pull the cookies out the oven. I have an apartment kitchen with a tiny counter, tiny oven, drawers filled with an assortment of maybe-the-right-tool and a dog running around. I’m like Julie Powell without the gimlets or the book deal.

Not to mention, while I realize there will be a great time investment involved, I hadn’t fully taken into account the monetary investment–short ribs, whole duck, FIVE POUNDS of duck fat??? (I’m looking at you, duck confit) Those are not exactly budget ingredients. Thankfully I can pretty much subside on Greek yogurt and apples otherwise, because, as you may or may not know, I don’t exactly rake it in.

My only real solace right now is that my experiment starts promptly on February 1, which is promptly two days before Super Bowl, for which Kevin is having a party. For which I more or less demanded that I make at least two things off my list. So hopefully that can help get the ball rolling. (And no, I’m not making duck confit for Super Bowl Sunday. I know you’re all wondering.) And Kevin. Kevin loves to cook too, and he’s great at prep, so knowing I have an extra set of hands in all this is a  relief. Plus, I have a month of opportunities to wear my cute new apron.

I still have about a week to peel myself off the ceiling and bring my heart rate back down to semi-human levels before I dive head-first into what may either be one of the coolest or one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done (or both.) In the meantime, I have to refocus, avert my attention to the play I’m in this weekend (closing weekend), and BREATHE. Breathe…breathe…again…

I’m getting there. If nothing else, keep checking back in to watch my month-long journey toward mental breakdown. It should be fun, and definitely tasty!

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