Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Foodiness

Happy Passover! Or, enjoying a Passover treat

Most people are writing about Easter, Easter food and Easter recipes today. But, I’m Jewish and I want to say Happy Passover and write about one of my favorite parts of Passover–macaroons!  These are not the same as the fluffy French macarons, but rather soft, chewy coconut-based macaroons. And even better?  Most, if not all, are gluten-free.

Heaven in a can

Manischewitz is my brand of choice for these delicious morsels of Jewish love.  The standards in my house were always plain coconut, chocolate and chocolate chip.  But they make so, so many more flavors, and this year I was introduced to something I didn’t even know I was missing in my life–mint chocolate macaroons! It’s like a Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie crossed with chewy coconut heaven. Don’t worry about the fact that these are kosher, or come out mainly at Passover–get them! “Jewish” food or not, these are just a genuinely tasty treat. These and the plain chocolate ones are like eating coconut brownie bites…from a can.

Buy them. Eat them. Love them. Repeat. I am introducing you to the oft hidden world of (actually tasty) Jewish food.  (Leave the gefilte fish alone, you’re not missing anything.)

I’m going to go enjoy more macaroons on this lovely Easter morning–Happy Passover! (And Happy Easter!)


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7 thoughts on “Happy Passover! Or, enjoying a Passover treat

  1. I enjoyed this! Haven’t seen those yet!

  2. I have eaten plenty of macaroons over the course of Passover’s past. However, I have not eaten any the past couple of years and can honestly say I don’t miss them. However, I do think it is cool that make so many different flavors.

    • To each their own. My mother, grandmother and cousin love gefilte fish; I’d rather leave it on a faraway island somewhere, never to be seen again haha! I personally love macaroons, and I never realized just how many flavors they actually make. In addition to the ones I mentioned, there are crazy ones like cookies and cream, rocky road, toffee…the very impressive list goes on!

      Happy Passover! 🙂

      • I know – the variety is crazy. I’m just not big on the coconut taste. I’ll go w/the rest of your family for the gefilte fish.

      • Ah yes, that is a major prerequisite to enjoying macaroons. That’s the wonderful thing about cuisines, though–there are so many options! This works for me though–more macaroons for me!

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Journey | Inspired Vision

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