Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Foodiness

A sad day…an ode to my bullet blender

Well, it’s a sad day here at LLPF. Anyone who follows this blog on a regular basis knows how much I love my bullet blender and how I swear by it. Well, today, I am sorry to say, my bullet blender moved on. It died. I went to make a pre-work breakfast smoothie (a rarity for me in and of itself–I never have that kind of time before work) and found my bullet could no longer blend.

It could, however, screech like an electric screwdriver stripping a screw and send shards of rubber flying everywhere while heating up and emitting a lovely burned plastic smell. So, alas, the bullet is no more.

And I still have the components of an unblended smoothie sitting in a cup in my fridge:


To honor the great life of my dear friend, here’s a look back at some of my favorite creations, courtesy of the bullet:

5-Cheese White Bean Macaroni and Cheese
So many smoothies!
Homemade basil-parsley pesto
Chipotle-honey chicken wings

The good news? Costco has a pretty good sale on these things, so I have a feeling my counter will no longer be bullet-less by tonight! Which means that sad, unblended smoothie can be blended once and for all!

Until then, RIP bullet blender. You were a dear friend and a culinary genius.

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4 thoughts on “A sad day…an ode to my bullet blender

  1. I have killed two bullet blenders and decided to never buy one again. It’s convenient but seems to break too easily … maybe it’s just me?

    • I don’t know. I had my first one for a while–it was Bella Cucina brand. But, among 3 of us, we really used it to its potential. We used that thing A LOT. So I feel like it lasted a while considering how much use it got. I just got an actual Magic Bullet brand this time around, so we’ll see how it does. I’m with you on the convenience–I can’t bring myself to actually use a big, hulking blender again!

  2. juanitascocina on said:

    Dear Alex’ blender,

    You done good. You done REAL good.

    Unfortunately, you’re now going to be replaced by new hotness.

    • Thanks, Jen. It was, indeed, replaced by a newer, hotter, younger model. I traded up 🙂

      Also, very bizarre–your comment came in as spam. I had to un-spam you.

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